Dangling DNS: Worksites.net
Another service vulnerable to subdomain takeover
This post is the write-up about subdomain takeover vulnerable service Worksites that I found back in April 2020. Although this is a paid service, It's possible to create a PoC without having to purchase the service.
Worksites.net is a web service for building websites for contractors and growing businesses, which support custom domains feature.
Service Detection
record should be pointing to static IP address
I use the following Nuclei template to check for possible candidates.
Takeover Detection
We should see a similar error page to verify whether the subdomain takeover may be possible.
To detect a vulnerable subdomain, we use the following fingerprint based on the HTTP response; we confirm whether the subdomain is vulnerable or not.
I use the following Nuclei template to check for the vulnerable subdomain.
Takeover Steps
Register an account on Worksites.net
Go to
Your domain name
to subdomain we want to takeoverworksites.melbadry9.xyz
Create a screenshot as PoC. We can publish the site for $27.00 per month.
Can I takeover XYZ? - Issue
I opened an issue on GitHub regarding this service:
Last updated